Sundry odds

Number of different hands a named player can receive635,013,559,600
Number of different hands a named second player can receive8,122,425,444
Number of different hands a named third and fourth player can receive10,400,600
Odds to receive a perfect hand ( produces 13 tricks in no trump )169,066,442 to 1
Odds against AKQ AKQ AKQ AKQ and a J158,753,389,899 to 1
Odds against a Yarborough1,827 to 1
Odds against both partners receive a Yarborough546,000,000 to 1
Odds against a hand with no card higher than the ten274 to 1
Odds against a hand with no card higher than the jack52 to 1
Odds against a hand with no card higher than the queen11 to 1
Odds against a hand with no acesabout 2 to 1

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